Longda Aluminum

Baoding Longda, Shunping Longda and Hebei University of Science and Technology held a docking meeting and signed a cooperation agreement

Release time:2022-08-24

Page views:319


On August 24, 2022, Baoding Longda Aluminum Industry Co., Ltd., Longda Aluminum Industry (Shunping) Co., Ltd. and Hebei University of Science and Technology held the docking meeting and the signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement between the government, industry, university and research in Shunping Longda Company. Xu Chunqi, the second-level investigator of Baoding Municipal Bureau of Science and Technology, Chen Min, the director of the Regional Innovation Division, Wang Wenliang, the director of Shunping County Bureau of Science and Technology, attended the meeting. Professor Wang Bo, the vice president of the School of Materials Science and Engineering of Hebei University of Science and Technology, Professor Yan Huajun, the secretary of the Party branch, Professor Wang Liwei, Dr. Wu Dayong, Zang Liguo, the vice chairman of Lizhong Group, Du Yongli, the president of Longda Aluminum, Guo Junhui, the executive vice president of Longda Aluminum, and the Science and Technology Information Department of Lizhong Group Baoding Longda, Shunping Longda, R&D, project management and other relevant personnel attended the meeting.



Zang Liguo briefly introduced the development history, industrial layout and the achievements of the cooperation between the government, industry, university and research of Lizhong Group in recent years, and watched the promotional film of Lizhong Group together. Guo Junhui introduced the scientific and technological innovation of Longda Aluminum and the need for cooperation between government, industry, university and research, involving research and development of new materials for new energy vehicles, research and development of new materials in non-automotive fields, optimization of aluminum alloy melting and casting process, energy conservation and emission reduction of renewable aluminum melting and casting, and other research directions. Wang Bo introduced the research direction, faculty and scientific research achievements of Hebei University of Science and Technology in the field of aluminum alloy. In combination with the scientific and technological innovation policies of Baoding City and Hebei Province, Hebei University of Science and Technology said that it has a relatively close connection with Longda Aluminum in terms of key research and development, achievement transformation, provincial/municipal scientific and technological innovation vouchers, provincial, municipal and county-level listing projects, and enterprise talent demand, Hebei University of Science and Technology can integrate resources to provide technical support for various technical requirements proposed by the company. Schools and enterprises exchanged and discussed the policies related to scientific and technological innovation in Hebei Province, common technical issues in the industry, and the development trend of materials for new energy vehicles of common concern.


Du Yongli expressed his gratitude to the leaders of Baoding Municipal Science and Technology Bureau and the County Science and Technology Bureau for coming to the company to guide scientific and technological innovation and the work of government, industry, university and research, and will do a good job in enterprise research and development, platform construction and industrialization according to the instructions of the leaders of the Science and Technology Bureau. President Du welcomed the visit and exchange of Hebei University of Science and Technology to Longda Aluminum, and was willing to provide various convenient conditions for the university to carry out work in the enterprise, and looked forward to the cooperation results of the three parties in more aspects.

Xu Chunqi, on behalf of Baoding Science and Technology Bureau, said that Longda Aluminum, as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lizhong Group and a representative of excellent enterprises in Baoding, has a high industry reputation and influence in the field of automobile, and has achieved good results in innovation work, scientific research platform construction, government-industry-university-research cooperation and other work in recent years. The Municipal Science and Technology Bureau will vigorously support innovative enterprises such as Longda Aluminum, At the same time, we hope that Hebei University of Science and Technology will provide more support for Baoding enterprises.

At the end of the meetingBaoding Longda Aluminum Co., Ltd- The signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement between Hebei University of Science and Technology and the cooperation agreement between Longda Aluminum (Shunping) Co., Ltd. and Hebei University of Science and Technology. Guo Junhui and Wang Bo signed the agreement, and Xu Chunqi, Chen Min, Zang Liguo, Wang Wenliang and other leaders signed the agreement. 


Before the meeting, accompanied by Zang Liguo, Vice Chairman of Lizhong Group, and Du Yongli, President of Longda Aluminum, visited the Longda Aluminum Technology Research and Development Laboratory and the intelligent and automated aluminum alloy production line, and introduced the company's development history, scientific and technological innovation achievements and current technology research and development direction.